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Tuesday, April 12, 2011


1.你好 (哭你一起挖)
2.我回来啦 (他大姨妈)
3.哥哥 (哦尼桑)
4.可爱 (卡哇咿)
5.怎么? (哪尼)
6.你好帅 (卡酷咿)
7.原来如此 (哪里糊涂)
8.我吃了 (一打卡玛斯)
9.早上好 (我还要狗炸一.玛斯)
10.怎么可能 (玛撒卡)
11.好厉害 (自由咿)
12.谢谢 (啊丽牙多)
13.怎么啦 (都西大)
14.偷一下懒 (傻不你呦)
15.这可不行 (所里挖那里蚂蚁)
16.为什么? (男的诶)
17.那是什么 (男的所里挖)
18.什么意思? (满家所里挖)
19.笨蛋 (八噶)
20.我明白啦 (挖卡打蛙)
21.这是 (库里挖)
22.加油 (刚巴黎)
23.搞定啦! (亚当!)
24.朋友 (偷猫打鸡)
25.不行 (打妹)
26.说的也是 (受打内)
27.太好啦! (有疙瘩!)
28.真的? (轰!逗你)
29.小姐 (我揪下嘛)
30.不要啊! (呀灭蝶!)
31.可恶 (扣手)
32.对不起 (狗咪那啥咿)
33.没关系 (一挖呦)
34.不要紧吧? (带胶布?)
35.约会 (带兜)
36.是的 (嗨)
37.晚安 (哦压死你)
38.到此为止 (哭了妈的

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Monday, February 28, 2011


きょう わたしは としょかんへ じでんしやで いきます。

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Japanese Calendar


いちがつ Jan
にがつ Feb
さんがつ Mac
しがつ Apr
ごがつ May
ろくがつ Jun
しちがつ July
はちがつ August
くがつ September
じゅうがつ October
じゅういちがつ November
じゅうにがつ December

Friday, February 26, 2010

learning 1

1. I like chocolate.
(watashi wa) chokoreto ga suki desu.
Choko ga suki

2. I dislike homework.
(watashi wa) syukudai ga kirai desu.

2. I like to go shopping.
(watashi wa) (o)kaimono ga suki desu.

4. My best friend is _____.
Watashi no shinyuu wa ____ desu.

5. My family is mother, father, older brother and older sister.
Watahi no kazoku ha haha to chichi to ani to ane desu.

6. My animal zodiac is _____.
dose it mean Chinese zodiac animals of 12 years? If so,
watashi no eto ha ______ desu.

horoscopy zodiac: seiza

7. I wake up at 6.30
(Watashi ha) (itsumo) roku ji-han ni okimasu.

8. I shower at 6.40
Watashi wa (itsumo) roku ji yonjyuppun ni syawa wo abimasu.

9. I eat breakfast with my mother at 7.00.
(Watashi wa) (itsumo) hichi ji ni haha to asagohan wo tabemasu.

10. I catch the bus with friends at 8.00
(Watashi wa) (itsumo) hachi ji ni tomodachi to basu ni norimasu.

11. I start school at 8.30.
Gakkou ha hachi ji han ni hajimarimasu.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

link to learning

Wednesday, February 3, 2010
